
Posts Tagged ‘Hope’

Who, dear blog readers, might you ask, is Emerson Spartz? He’s famous in our house because he started up a Harry Potter forum called Mugglenet years ago. One of my little geniuses began as a devoted moderator on that website when she was eleven. I might add that Emerson was home schooled.

So, Emerson became a part of our household chatter and life went on and Mugglenet gave way to other things and our child went on to college.

Emerson, is a very positive person, and is the CEO of his successful internet business. His most recent endeavor is a site called Give Me Hope. It has a Facebook page, and a healthy following, 8,000 plus today. In my positive psychology class I learned that snarky, negative behaviors such as rumination, obsession, negative acting out, have negative results. We become the images and conversations we have with ourselves and each other.

Positive psychology is a science now. Positive thinking has matured to include evidence like brain scans and biofeedback.

One of the things our professor, Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar repeated was “Broaden and Build!”. Positive thoughts and actions build an upward spiral. Negativity causes a drain.

And this I know is true.

Here is the Gives Me Hope link – http://givesmehope.com There is also a fine Facebook group. Three cheers for Emerson Spartz! Long may you flourish, lad.

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